feeling: happy
listening to: maria -blondie
heyyyyy hii its me. turns out my last blog was a lie on multiple levels haha ^^;. i think unfortunately site updates are gonna stay kinda sparse for most of the summer i unfortunately failed english hard and have summer school because of it im still hoping to get the 17776 shrine all fancied up and maybe the bones of the library set up? it all depends
in other news i finally got a tamagotchi! no its not the evatatchi though thats coming in the mail i got the pix party! quite honestly i wasnt originally gonna ever get the pix because of the bad things ive heard about it from the community but then i saw a post that mentioned it was 50% off for prime day (yes jeff bezos is super evil and i try not to buy from amazon most of the time) so i said screw it and scooped it up and damn its actually a ton of fun! so far i have fuyofuyotitchi who is super cute
heres he is playing with a biology set i got him ^^.
i feel like a lot of the issues people talk about arent really issues for me (and sometimes there even perks!) for example ive heard a lot of complaints about the shape but it feels very perfectly palm sized to me, granted i have baby hands. another thing is the touch buttons they can be finicky but i like being able to tap them vs press them and i get this weird thing with physical buttons where i feel the need to evenly wear them out and get stressed when one is looser than the others (this is even a thing with videogame controllers) which i dont have to worry about here! its just a very specific me thing but its still nice to not have it at the back of my head everytime i touch it.
in completely unrelated hyperfixation news, the witch from mercury's finale came out and !!!!!! calibarn going gay mode was probably one of the best things in gundam i also love love love schwarzette even if it was piloted by an incel (seriously lauda has 0 redeming qualities) its sword breaking off and having a sephiroth style side wing and secret hidden sword was so cool i wish it got more screentime and had literally anyone else pilot it. other than that i really loved the ending even if it was super rushed im happy the gang got the happy ending they diserved.
in misc news ive started thinking about working on my oddbody furby again. who knows if i will actually make her but its fun to spin in my head
sorry this post was like seven layers of brainrot but the worms are strong today. goodbye for now :),